The Wyvern Hawk dwells in it's cave. It lays dormant upon it's vast horde of TV shows, films and computer games.
There is a pissing cyclopes outside guarding the entrance, no one knows why he's there, some say he's waiting for the bathroom, others mention that it could be the only thing Matthew J Griffin knows how to draw.
Be warned brave adventurer, many a mind has been blow at the wonders that await the slayer of this mighty beast.
Oh, and this is Geeky Tom's Blog by the way. Sasha (The Other Girl), Crabs (The Colossus of Sheffield) and Matt Haydock also post from time to time.
Russell Norman walking and talking (Italian)
He's created some of my favourite places to eat in London, he's also
designed them - and inadvertently changed the look of many London eateries.
Russell ...
Cold Case
"Hey, guy, any cold sodas?" The kid exuded youthful disdain, hands thrust
deep in dark pockets, eyes hard. Adams observed the swagger. Shoplifter? he
Lee has done a lost catch-up with our friends over at Koink; the guys that produce the podcast. He's looking very much like Jeremy Clarkson with the jeans and Jacket combo...
Note to self: Must remember to give him a hard time about that.
wow, where did this pompous prick come from?
A bit harsh maybe?
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