Kick-Ass, Iron Man 2, Mass Effect 2

I haven’t posted in a while, I think it’s because I have been caught up in all the Christmas shenanigans that tend to fill up your calendar at this time of year.
I’m up in Sheffield at the moment watching the Pigglet Movie on BBC 1, soon to be followed by the Tigger movie apparently. TV this year has been terrible, probably to do with the recession or something. So I thought I would waste sometime on a few kids movies.

One of my biggest grievances this year has been the lack of Scrooged (Bill Murray). That changed last night as it was on Film4. Now I’m not a scheduler but what the hell is that movie doing on the 29th December. There are three films that must be shown on Christmas eve: Scrooged, Elf and Cliff Hanger. It’s not rocket science, hopefully someone will pay attention and fix it for next year.

Anyway, I thought I would post some trailers that have got me excited for the coming year.


I got shown this yesterday by Greg. It looks VERY silly, but there is something refreshing about the young girl’s potty mouth.

Iron man 2

I loved the last movie and the sequel looks like more of the same. More drinking, more womanising and loads more flying suits with guns...oh and Mickey Rourke.

Mass Effect 2

Yes it’s a computer game, but the Mass Effect series is as close to a film as you can probably get. The next game stars Martin Sheen, Seth Green and loads of other famous people, good at being famous.

Is Carly Simon Famous? She’s singing at the end of the Pigglet movie. She must be a country singer of something. She definitely hasn’t made it big over in the UK.

Homeward bound 2 is after the Tigger Movie...oh why not, I’ve got nothing better to do.


micro sd card reader said...

Iron Man suggests the answer to combating Them is for Us to reestablish the link between mechanized killing and the body.

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